
Group LL
Date c. 1960
Origin Irun
Brand Palmera
Source (DFG) Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
License Copyleft

Llave (Wrench)

The Palmera Tool Factory, located in Irun, is a prominent example of a local industry that achieved international projection. Founded by Juan Vollmer, a German businessman, the factory was established in Irun in 1934. Palmera started as a razor blade factory but quickly diversified its production.

Initially, Vollmer bought a razor blade factory and obtained authorization to use the “Palmera” brand in Spain. In the 1940s, the company expanded its product range to include manicuring items, cutlery, scissors, keys, and the famous razor blades. Later, it focused on the manufacture of hand tools and scissors.

Palmera achieved significant success in the national and international markets. In 1967, the company obtained an export license and went on to compete in markets such as the United States and the European Common Market. The company reached a workforce of up to 2,000 workers at its peak. Palmera also had a significant impact on Irun’s community. It built housing for its employees, known as “Casas de la Palmera” (Palmera Houses), and had a grocery store for its staff.

Given the substantial number of employees (up to 2,000 at its peak), it is likely that women formed a significant part of the workforce. In similar industries at the time, women were often employed in assembly, quality control, and packaging.

Although the original factory closed, its legacy lives on. The Basque Government encouraged the conversion by forming a consortium called Eurotools. Today, Palmera Herramientas Eurotools S.A. continues to manufacture tools under the same brand in Irun.