
Group H
Date c. 1970
Origin Donostia
Brand Calber
Source (DFG) Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
License Copyleft


The industry of cleaning and personal hygiene products in Gipuzkoa has a long history, with outstanding companies such as Perfumería Higiénica Calber, founded in the first decade of the 20th century in San Sebastián.

Calber was a family business that became a benchmark in the manufacture of personal hygiene products, including toothpaste, colognes, and their popular talcum powder. Their products achieved great fame and prestige, becoming suppliers to the Royal Family.

The company maintained its factory and laboratories in San Sebastián until the 1980s. There are no exact data, but many women worked in the Calber facilities. In addition, personal hygiene products, such as those manufactured by Calber, were intended for women as buyers and consumers, who were traditionally responsible for the care of the home and the family. For example, talcum powder, one of Calber’s most popular products, was used for feminine personal hygiene and baby care.